About GNSH Burn NFTS!

Ganesha Token
3 min readMar 30, 2021

Hey you lovely beings! Werrr’ree here! As we have mentioned before, we have a good deal for everyone with GNSH NFT Campaign. Lets talk about it further.

Why someone buy NFT’s?

Who knows. It might be a trend that has phenomenal value. It might be collectors sickness or it might be something larger. This might be just a beginning of the NFT era. More creativity comes with it.

Have you heard about the Beeple NFT sale? You can read about it more from here. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/30/vignesh-sundaresan-known-as-metakovan-on-paying-69-million-for-beeple-nft.html

We wont be saying why to buy, but we going with the trend just because this trend gives also a good trade for both parties. If the collector wants to buy a NFT with downloadable content then you need to provide the content. Real value is the “being awsome” and get some hype with helping some bigger idea or maybe a startup. The last creative idea is what we are aiming for.

What GNSH offer for the collector?

We are a startup and we need to communicate with collectors. We sell NFT for growing and building our projects. If somehow the “Neeple NFT” mania will repeat itself with GNSH, this would be huge news meaning the collector gets so much hype, as well GNSH community grows larger. That means everything after that is mostly simpler and flowish. What else? We can add 25% from the sales to GNSH market which means we buy back our GNSH from the market with the price, giving it a bump up. That is good for investors and traders.

This is growth, hype and life for the GNSH project. This grows and grows. Market, Community and our Voice! We need the voice for Animes, Games and NFT’s as we list them on votelist on Netflix, Steam and Opensea. We need strong community. So we also sometimes make reward campaigns.

We might struggle with the market correction a little, but its going great. More liquidity comes in and we locked the liquidity pool. Right now you can make small trades with small portions but this is a beginning of a adding more liquidity inside the locked GNSH uniswap pot.

Now in the same time we want to continue the GNSH burn as transparent as possible. So for the start we sent first portion of planned GNSH tokens to dead wallet. Total of 111,111,111 GNSH (1/5) was burned.

This is the proof: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xc92ed2c88d10fc2d657997be4302123ec2d7c721c70610ee36e94ae01c8f7df0

Now when is the next GNSH token burn?

Well we make it good for bothways. We make a GNSH burn-supported NFT’s. A revolutionary way for NFT collectors to control the burn. We sell GNSH BURN NFT’s and total of 4 NFT Collectibles comes with it.

We will be announcing when the NFT’s come available for sale and auction. Every NFT sale have these effects: 25% To GNSH market, Hype, GNSH tokens for buyer and ofcourse GNSH burn total of 4/5 burns availabe.

More news to come. www.ganeshatoken.com

Do not forget EGOD NFT. If @elonmusk mention us, we send this free.



Ganesha Token

Videogame concept and development. Game assets to NFT collectibles, smart contracts and blockchain Papyrus. All connected with GNSH token asset.